Cancellation and Refund

*Cancellation Policy*
We understand that sometimes you may need to cancel your order. To do so, please contact our customer service team at [contact email or phone number] within [timeframe] after placing your order. We will review your request and respond to you within [timeframe].
*Refund Policy*
We will provide a full refund for the following reasons:
* Product is not available or is out of stock
* Product is damaged or defective
* Customer is not satisfied with the product

To initiate a refund, please contact our customer service team at [contact email or phone number] with the following information:
* Order number
* Reason for cancellation
* Proof of purchase (if applicable)

We will process the refund within [timeframe] after receiving your request. The refund will be made in the original form of payment.
*Refund Amount*
The refund amount will be equal to the total amount paid for the cancelled product(s).
*Refund Process*
Once we have processed your refund, we will send you an email confirming the refund amount and the method of refund. If you have any questions or concerns about your refund, please contact our customer service team at [contact email or phone number].
The following orders are not eligible for refunds:
* Orders that are already dispatched or delivered
* Orders that are not cancelled within [timeframe] after placing the order
* Orders that are not satisfied with the product due to user error or misuse

*Warranty and Guarantee*
We do not provide any warranty or guarantee for any products sold on our website. However, we stand behind the quality of our products and will work with you to resolve any issues that may arise.
Please note that this is just a sample, and you should consult with a legal expert to ensure that your cancellation and refund policy complies with relevant laws and regulations in your jurisdiction.
It's also important to ensure that your website has a clear and transparent cancellation and refund policy in place to avoid any disputes with customers.